Use shadowsocks in Linux
Use shadowsocks(ss) in Linux(Centos)
Engineers or technicians especially from mainland China usually encounter the Internet problem (blocked). Many tools and methods have beed used to search the Internet freely for Windows and Mac OS. Here I made a very simple note to record how to use ss in my Centos Server.
Install ss by pip
pip install shadowsocks
Get ss account and password
How to get ss ID and password is beyond this note. Example:
Address Port Method Password 8099 aes-256-cfb eIW0Dnk69454e6nSwuspv9DmS201tQ0D
## Make a config file for ss ID
\# ss.json
Run sslocal
sudo sslocal -c ss.json -d start
You can check it by ps aux |grep sslocal
Install privoxy
And now suppose that, privoxy is already installed. If not, please install it by yourself.
Modify the privoxy config file
Modify ‘/etc/privoxy/config’ to keep listen-address and forward-socks5t lines with no # ahead.
forward-socks5t / .
Run privoxy service
systemctl restart privoxy
systemctl enable privoxy
Activate proxy
Open terminal and export http_proxy variable to export http_proxy=
The ss works successfully if the curl cmd gives response like: